Power & Energy

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As the world continues to develop its technologies and industries, sources of energy to fuel them have never been in sharper demand. Energy law governs the use, taxation and extraction of these energy sources. These include non-renewable fuels—coal, oil and gas—and also renewable sources of energy, such as wind, solar and hydro power.

What does energy law involve?

Energy law covers all aspects of renewable and non-renewable energy, from sales to regulation. Lawyers often find themselves dealing with extraction, taxation, distribution and siting for forms of energy like oil and coal, as well as for newer varieties such as wind and nuclear power. There is a big transactional element to this area of law— you could be helping clients to buy or sell gas, or assisting them in sourcing fuel to sell. Energy lawyers also operate within a national and international framework of legislation—many laws have been passed to keep energy safe and, in recent years, to lower carbon emissions. Responsibilities include deciding if it is legal or illegal to pursue a specific energy source within these legal boundaries. 

Energy lawyers also deal with the regulation and taxation of existing energy sources, such as oil and coal. There’s a lot to be aware of in terms of how the UK policy influences the energy sector, and the subsidies and research grants available to renewable energy sources. You may find yourself acting on a national level, within the UK’s legally binding frameworks such as the Climate Change Act. Or you may find yourself in negotiations on an international scale, securing imported fuel and dealing with energy transactions.